Motivational Monday: Exercise
Motivational Monday! Physical exercise can improve your health and body in many ways. Don’t be a couch potato. Move your body and get in shape. You’re worth it!

Motivational Monday: The Benefits of Sweating
Motivational Monday! Did you know that sweating is the body’s natural cooling system?

My Favorite Fitness Motivators
This year, I am determined to lose this pesky weight that I’ve been carrying around since being diagnosed with an auto-immune. The Prednisone added 24lbs to my weight in a two week period!! Couple that with the 10 I needed to lose…well, you get the picture!!

5 Simple Changes for Creating a Healthier Lifestyle
We know that there is a healthier life waiting for us, but sometimes it feels overwhelming to create big changes. The good news? Improving your life does not necessarily mean making huge transformations. Here are a few simple modifications you can make in your day-to-day activities to reap life-altering benefits:

Holiday Survival Tip: Plan and enjoy the 4th of July weekend without guilt!
July sparks the official start of summer activities for me and my family. We love spontaneous road trips, an annual visit to Martha’s Vineyard, visiting friends at their beach home, a family reunion, as well as summertime activities at home. I enjoy many warm weather activities including, golf, tennis, SUP (stand up paddle boarding), hanging at the beach, hiking and more!

Embrace the winter weather!!
Ready to add an exciting and invigorating exercise to your winter repertoire? If you think that skiing and sledding are your only snow-time choices, then you have not yet been introduced to snowshoeing.

From the Couch to Crossing the Finish Line
Running a marathon or 1/2 marathon was never anything I thought I’d ever do. The sport seemed very overwhelming to me. I have lots of friends who love to run and enter into races all the time. I am NOT a runner or at least I thought I couldn’t. Then, several years ago my mother’s life was taken suddenly after a very simple operation!! I was extremely sad at that time and felt I needed some kind of healthy distraction to focus on. The holidays were approaching and I knew if I didn’t do something, I could find myself depressed!